The Reading Chair

I hate to keep beating a dead horse (since it’s a waste of effort, I mean once it’s dead, what’s the point, right?), but we’ve had an unusual week around our place. In case you haven’t heard my daily whining, we had a little plumbing issue… Anyhoo, you’d think that with all the meetings with contractors and phone calls with insurance people that there would be little time for reading. Did you think that? Because if you did, you’d be wrong. Sorry. I spent a couple hours alone in a hotel room today, just me and my book.
Charmed life, I know.

What I’ve Been Reading
Fever 1793
I love books written for young people. I love disaster books. I love historical fiction. How could this book not be a winner?
Though I will say that reading about the 1793 Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic in the same week that I went to see Contagion was a little unnerving. You know how sometimes people go through a terrible experience and they say something like “I felt as though I had been prepared for this; I had just read a book/spoke to someone in the same situation/saw it on Oprah and knew just how to react when it happened to me? Let’s just say, I’m fully prepared for an epidemic/pandemic now, and it creeps me out a little.

What I’ve Been Reading to Newt
I haven’t even seen Newt in days*…

What Newt has been Reading
See above.

Here’s to getting back to our routine soon. It shouldn’t take too long. You know, unless the plague breaks out.

*She’s been hanging out at a friend’s while we wait for the dust to settle. Literally. I am happy to report that she’ll be home joining us at the hotel later today. I miss her.


  1. I loved Fever! L Anderson writes so many modern day books and I’m not into that but another of her historical ones, Chains is really good too. Chains has a second book, Forge which I haven’t read yet. Enjoy having your Newt back!

  2. Wow! Guess what’s on my nightstand?!

    Fever 1793.

    Stink read it last year in school and checked it out at the library for me to read. He’s making me do it. He couldn’t say enough about it and coming from my reluctant reader, that’s sayin’ somethin’!

  3. Let’s just hope you don’t have to put your new-found epidemic handling skills to use! :0



  1. The Reading Chair : Frantically Simple - [...] novel, this one set in 14th-century England. (And oh dear, there were references to the plague. I’m doomed.) After…

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