On My Mind – July 10, 2012

This summer. It’s kicking my butt. We have broken every single one of the rules.

I wrote a bit about my miserable efforts to fit everything in on Mommy Authors.
I have one child and life is so busy. How does Michelle Duggar do it?

Disregard everything I just said. If my life was so filled with stuff to do, would I have said yes to these little sweeties?

Meet Newt’s new pets, Billina and Abilene (10 points if you get both literary references). A friend of ours offered them to Newt to raise. If they turn out to be Bill and Abe, they go back to his farm. If they grow up to be ladies, we’ll keep them and add some more.
Newt is taking her job of chicken wrangler very seriously. She would sleep out in their pen if she could.

That moment when you realize that there might be naked pictures of yourself on the internet.
Just let that sink in a moment. It’s not a good feeling.
I was sitting on my couch visiting with some neighbors that had dropped in when I realized that there was a good possibility I had accidentally put a nudie photo of myself on the internetz. I had to sit there with a fake grin plastered to my face until they left and I could go check.
Here’s how it all went down: Walt traded my dumb phone for a smart phone. I set it to auto upload my pictures to G+ and then promptly forgot all about it. Fast forward to the day I had no hand mirror in the bathroom. Thanks to pinterest, I was trying a new hairstyle and needing to see the back of my hair. My phone was handy – click.
No big deal if I was starkers; I could just delete.
And then, days later, there I was chatting about nothing when I realized. Crap.
The good news:
#1 – It did not upload.
#2 – If it had, it still would have been in a private folder unless and until I decided make it public. Relief.

I’ve got nothing. I can’t top number three.

I’ve started sending query letters out on Hook’s Revenge. If you need me, I’ll be curled up, fetal position, under my desk.

What’s on your mind today?


  1. Jealous, jealous of number 2! They are so sweet. Hilarious #3. Reminds me of when my brother in law accidentally sent a graphic pic of my sister in law giving birth, along with the regular pictures of the new baby. To the whole family! Whoops :-). And you have my deep respect. Any writer who is also a mom is super woman in my book!

    • 1.You are welcome to bring the kids by and meet our (hopefully)girls any time.
      2.The story about your brother made me do a little spit take. Oh my.
      3. Thanks. 🙂

  2. One thing about having a hectic life…. it is only hectic because you cannot say no! But the chicks are really cute and Hannah will love it when they follow her around the yard. I sorta wish I had made my kids do more to take care of ours, but I was having too much fun!


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