Announcing: Hook’s Revenge!

Some of you may have seen my announcement on Twitter or Facebook over the weekend, but if you missed it, I have some book news coming out in this week’s print edition of  Publisher’s Weekly. Here’s a sneak peek:

Hook's Revenge PW Announcement

I am thrilled, humbled, and overwhelmed–all in the best possible ways. This is truly a dream come true. Not only that I will be able to fulfill my lifelong goal of seeing my words in print, but also that I can share this particular story with readers.

Sidenote: I am hyperventilating with delight–I am going to have readers! (I hope. You’ll read my book, won’t you?)

Peter Pan and its many adaptions, retellings, and spin-offs have always had a special place in my heart. I can hardly believe that my words will be a part of this amazing group.

The original J.M. Barrie classic was the first longer-than-one-sitting book I read to my daughter. I can still picture her as a pink pajamaed two-year-old laying in her toddler bed and quietly playing with her toys while I read aloud to her. Though at first I wasn’t sure any of my words were sinking in, she soon began acting out scenes that she had seemed to ignore when I read them. Peter Pan became both her imaginary friend and alter-ego for the next few years and we spent many hours pretending to “fight those nasty pirates” together.

One day, when Newt was about five, I came down with the flu. I made myself a little nest on the couch,  put out some Goldfish crackers and juice boxes, and set up a couple DVDs: Hook and the live action 2003 Peter Pan. While she watched, I slept, the sounds of the movies filtering through my virus haze. When the movies ended I woke up with a question in my head: What if Captain Hook had had a daughter?

Hook’s Revenge grew from that day, though it would be several years before I would get serious about completing it. Last fall, I signed with my agent, Brooks Sherman of FinePrint Lit, and with his help, set about polishing the manuscript and preparing it to go on submission.

During the first week of December, Brooks sent my manuscript to several editors–I was officially on sub. I tried not to think about it too much, choosing instead to focus on enjoying the holidays with my family. At the end of January, I was thrilled when Brooks called to inform me that we had received an offer. Two days later we got another one. We were going to auction!

Several editors wanted to speak to me, and once again I was sick, this time with a terrible hacking cough. Over the next week, I took phone calls from five different editors–all from my bed. I asked and answered questions, took notes, and tried not to cough too loudly in their ears. I was very impressed with each one and remember telling Brooks that I would have been more than happy to work with any of them. However, for this story, neither of us could think of a better fit than with Rotem at Disney•Hyperion.

On the day of the auction, the original two publishers put their offers in early. As the clock started to run down, it looked as though no other offers would arrive. It was a little anti-climactic, but I still felt incredibly lucky. I was about to feel even more so: With only minutes left until closing, the remaining three houses sent offers. All five editors I had spoken to wanted to work with me!

The next day, on February 5th–the 60th anniversary of Disney’s Peter Pan–I accepted Disney•Hyperion’s offer. Hook’s Revenge would be a real book!

Confidential aside to Walt and Newt: I could not have done this without you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now please excuse me a moment while I hyperventilate some more.

You may be wondering why it has taken a little while for me to make this announcement. Each publishing house has its own policies. Disney•Hyperion prefers to have a signed contract in hand before their authors announce and sometimes contracts can take well, some time. Brooks, Rotem, and I have all been sitting on this secret for months, but you know what? I think it has been well worth the wait.

I am both incredibly happy and incredibly grateful that Hook’s Revenge has found such a wonderful home. I can’t wait until next fall when I can share it with you. (You know, if you want.)

Yo Ho!



P.S. If you’d like to add Hook’s Revenge to your To Be Read shelf, it is already up on Goodreads. And watch this space, Twitter, and Facebook for more news as it comes!


  1. Yay!!!! Another big congrats to all of you!

    I am so excited to read this book (and my son is waiting for it as well). It’s super fun to watch as your dream comes true. 🙂

    • Dee, thank you (and your son) so much! I can’t wait for you both to read it. <3

  2. I’ve been waiting for this news for a long time! So happy to finally hear it!
    I love Peter Pan and can’t wait to read your book!

    • Sarah, thank you! I’m glad to finally share it!

  3. Not only are you a good writer, you’re a superb actress! (I don’t think I could have sat there telling people about my book at SCBWI conferences without even a bit of a hint that, heck, it had been snapped up at auction freaking five months before!!)

    I will be reading it, missy, you can be sure of that!

    • That conference was tough. My tongue was sore from all the biting! (And thank you!)

  4. This is so exciting!! I’m so happy for you, Heidi! 😀

    • Thanks, Ashley!

  5. Congratulations!! Your book is so fun and I’m so excited I’ll have an actual copy to hold! I’m so happy for you. 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Jenilyn!

  6. Happy tears for you, my friend!

    • Michelle, thank you! You have been incredibly supportive and wonderful. I’m so very glad we are friends.

  7. So happy for you and proud of you, Heidi. I’ll be reading Hook’s Revenge aloud to MY kids. 🙂 #5amWritersClub

    • Oh Kristen, thank you! I can hardly believe it. (And thank you for the company all those 5ams I was revising! It was so wonderful to log on and see you all there.)

  8. So happy for you! Hope I can make an announcement like yours someday.

    • Thank you, Joe! I do too. Best of luck to you!

  9. So proud to say “I knew you when…!” WAAAAHOOOOO!!!!!

    Also thrilled to know that this can still happen to a new author. WAY. TO. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Thank you so much, Cynthia. (And me too! Hee!)

  10. Congrats! This book sounds amazing. Peter Pan is one of my all-time favs too. I’m really excited to read this!

    • Thank you so much, Melissa!

  11. I am so excited to read it! Congratulations Heidi!

    • Thank you, Daisha!

  12. Congrats again! I had a feeling you might have been sitting on this news for a while, especially when I saw the pub date. Fall 2014? That feels like the weekend after next in the publishing world!

    I loved the opening pages I first saw last year at writeoncon. I’m looking forward to a full read!

    • Ahhh, thank you Jeff! I can’t believe you still remember it. And yes! Next fall seems right around the corner–at least in publishing.

  13. Heidi,

    Congratulations!!!! I would call it a dream come true but it is a dream you made come true with your hard work.

    Dana Johnson

    • Oh thank you, Dana. And hello! I hope you are well. Nice to hear from you.

  14. YAY YAY YAY!!!
    Did you cry? Oh my gosh, I would have cried. This is just so exciting! Maybe I’m crying a bit on your behalf.
    Congratulations to you – to your ideas, your perseverance and to being able to see it all come together. I am incredibly happy for you!

    • Erica, THANK YOU! I cried when I got the second offer but not again until I announced on Saturday. And now I keep tearing up. I can’t stop!

  15. A million congrats! That’s so awesome! I knew I had an awesome Pitch Wars mentor 🙂

    • <3 Thank you!

  16. P.S. And when is the MOVIE coming out?? 😉

    • That would be amazing.

      • Sounds like a perfect script…and with DISNEY, no less! 😉

  17. I knew from the time you were just a babe that you were extraordinary and that you would make your mark in this century. So proud of you. I have learned so much from you! You have endured life with dignity, grace and faith and because of that here is one of many blessings coming your way. Love you to the moon and back!

    • Julie, you are the best big sister ever. Thank you. Love you! (But I’m still a babe. *eyebrow waggle*)

  18. As a massive Peter Pan fan, I’m completely in love with the sound of your book. I can’t wait to read it! Huge congratulations. 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Sam! I hope you will like it.

  19. YAY! So very excited for you…and all of us. Can’t wait to read it! Lots of love from your southern fans. 🙂

    • Aww, Deon, thank you so much! I need to get down there again so we can catch up. My best to you and your family.

  20. Heidi – you probably don’t remember me, but I met you at the 2012 SCBWI Conference in Portland. I was impressed with your exuberance and your story! And now look – TWO books deals! Congratulations – you are so deserving! Looking forward to reading both books!

    • Brenda, thank you so much! I hope to see you around at some future SCBWI events.

  21. Heidi – we loved it too here in England (we are not too far from Kensington gardens) and have been waiting for a while to see if we can publish it here at The Chicken House – fingers crossed! Best Barry

    • Hi, Barry! Thank you so much. I am so very happy you like it.
      I dream of seeing Kensington Gardens in person one day. A good friend and my agent were each there in the last month and sent photos. I will have to make the pilgrimage one day soon, I think.
      Thank you again! ~H

  22. Heidi, as soon as I read the first chapter on your site I KNEW it was a go!! Such talent should be rewarded. – From a fellow writer slaving in the trenches and hoping for someone like Brooks to come save her 🙂

    • Aww, thank you so much! And best of luck to you. Fingers crossed!


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