Adventures of Heidi, a true story

Once upon a time there was a Heidi.
Heidi knows that “Heidi” is also a popular dogs’ name. And that you probably have a dog named Heidi. You do not need to tell her about it.
Heidi is so not a dog's name

This is Shasta.

Shasta came home with Heidi from the farm. She likes to run. Fast.
Shasta is on trial. She has not yet earned the title My Dog. Instead we are calling her My Brother’s Dog That We Are Babysitting.

Today Heidi bought three tickets to Cancun was expecting Terminex to come take care of the vermin that were eating her house. The vermin were not named Hansel or Gretel. They were named Termite and Carpenter Ant.
Terminex arrived between the hours of late and very late.
Terminex is very late
Heidi had been too afraid to shower, lest she miss the knock at the door.
When the hired killer pest technician finally knocked, Heidi opened the door. Shasta mistook the knock for opportunity and ran for it.
Oh no!
Shasta ran.
Heidi ran.
Shasta ran faster.

Very steep hill

Now I am here

Heidi finally caught Shasta when Shasta came back on her own.
Heidi scooped up Shasta and walked back to the house where the Terminex man, who had not been helpful at all, was waiting.
Did you try to tackle her?

Um, no.  I fell.

And then Heidi and the Terminex man sat down at her table to do paperwork.
And Heidi had to pretend it was perfectly normal to be covered in dirt and that blood was not running into her sock.
Bad Dog

The end


  1. That was great!!! So creative! ๐Ÿ™‚ Your drawings look just like mine!
    Thanks for the chuckle!

    Mars last blog post..Changes

  2. Hahaha! I’m so sorry that happened to you, but it’s really funny. Thanks for being willing to share that rather embarrasing moment.

  3. Waaaaaah! I want to be able to draw……

    SO FUN! Do more!!

    And someday, I’m going to illustrate a post just to show you how bad I suck at drawing.

    It’s going to be thoroughly entertaining. I promise.

    Soliloquys last blog post..Dear Reader, I Need You

  4. My favorite part was the lack of hands. I can never draw hands either.

    Oh, and I love how the Terminix guy was so very helpful…probably complained about waiting. ugh!

    HRHs last blog post..For the love of tile…

  5. loved it Heidi, Shasta gets very tricky when you go to the door. keep her at bay. You are so fun. I love reading your stuff. look on my blog to see our new colt. He’s so cute. His picture is at the bottom.
    love mom

  6. I’m a little annoyed. I think I might have to add you to my reader. Which is really bogged down lately due to some time constraints. ~sigh~

    Sister Honey Bunchs last blog post..Untitled.

  7. What a great way to post! I love it! ๐Ÿ˜€ Found you through Desperately Seeking Sanity’s blog!

    Annabelles last blog post..Grief

  8. WOW that is an adventure. Are you thinking of returning the dog that is not really YOUR dog, but the dog your babysitting to your brother? Heather sent me over, and I hope you don’t mind if I just hang out here now. Don’t mind me.

  9. The jury is still out with my husband as to whether or not the dog becomes “Our Dog” but for me it is too late. I love the little stinker.
    Why do I have to fall for the bad dogs?

  10. Cutest story ever. And I hear you on falling for the naughty dog. You wouldn’t really want one that just lay there all day and slept. Would you? I stop right there.

    Robyns last blog post..146/366 [Pumpkin love]

  11. Well. Heidi is a pretty good dog name…

  12. I think I have to copy this animation concept. How do you do it? Draw pictures and take pictures of them?

    P.S. My son’s name is “Max” so I feel your canine-nomer pain. Almost names our daughter “Sadie” but came to our senses in the nick of time.

    jamies last blog post..Falling for Vermont



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