Grandpa's farm

Friday afternoon brought the beginning of a weekend adventure.
We’re on our way,
We’re on our way,
On our way to Grandpa’s farm…

We hitched up our rented tent trailer and headed south.
Civilization receded from view and the scenery became exotic.
When was the last time you saw these kinds of gas pumps?
If only the price were this retro

Or this kind of shorts?
Mr. Yellow Shorts
I purposefully left the DVD player at home and was surprised to find it was not missed. Instead, I read Tom Sawyer out loud until my voice was hoarse.
It was a five hour drive. I knew we were close when we began to smell pine in the air.
We arrived with just enough light to set up “camp” under the giant pines in front of my parent’s house. My brother, Bryan busied himself building a campfire.

A cloud of dust on the country road announced the arrival of my sister Julie and her middle child, an all grown-up Chelsea. Just that afternoon the mailman had brought Chelsea a letter from the President of our church accepting her desire to serve a mission and assigning her to Barcelona, Spain for a period of eighteen months. She leaves in September. We celebrated her good news around the fire.

Hours after the moon rose, we tucked our girl into her sleeping bag. And we didn’t even make her wash first.
the effects of wearing crocs on the farm

Early the next morning, before even changing from her pajamas, Girl Wonder helped grandpa feed the horses.
Morning chores

I helped by recording the experience for posterity stood around and took pictures.
Grandpa on the farm

Once chores were done it was time for dancing…

…enjoying the farm menagerie…
…and playing on the swingset.

Grandpa's swingset

Much of the rest of the day was spent at a baby shower for Julie’s oldest all-grown up girl, Ashley, expecting her first baby in a couple of weeks. I’ll blog about it separately.
Evening brought Julie, Ashley and her husband Riley, and my baby brother James.
Bryan supplied another campfire, this one complete with hot-dogs and marshmallows for roasting.
We enjoyed good company and conversation as the not-quite full moon soared over the pines.
moon rise

moon rise

moon rise

Our sleep that night was sweet.
Sunday morning was a flurry of activity. Breakfast, scrubbing, and dressing for church.
Our family of three brought to congregation’s numbers up to twenty-five.
And then we were back on the farm with time for one last adventure…
four wheelin'

…before saying goodbye.
But not to everyone:
Welcome home, Shasta. We think you’re going to like it here.


  1. “What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And… most importantly… cookies.”

    “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.”

    When a child is born, so are grandmothers & grandfathers…

    We have just posted many quotes about grandparents…if you are interested.
    They make you think…and bring back favorite timeless memories.

    We also will be posting many more quotes, jokes, names in the near future.

    Our mission is to reconnect generations…

    Grandparents are very important in our childresns lives…




  1. Just like Pioneer Woman, But Not Really : Frantically Simple - [...] my toes” a lot. And she offers a glimpse into country life. I love reading her. So this weekend,…
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