A cozy little space

We’ve been making some changes around here.
In an effort to create an inviting space for learning, I no longer have a library. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
What used to be the library is now my dining room.
dining room
I know, ceiling fan above the table = yuck, but we do have a new fixture to put up.
And what used to be the dining room?

We’re calling it The Studio.
I am aware that Studio sounds just as pretentious as Library, but it fits.
Allow me to conduct you around the room.
I still have all my books (plus three or four or twenty-ish more.)
I’ve also stocked the shelves with lots of materials for craft projects.
This cabinet holds a stereo, my sewing machine, fabric, and notions.
A table with great light for cutting fabric, writing, or doing projects:
And access to the backyard.
It has become our new favorite space in the house.
Girl Wonder had a friend over and they spent the whole day in there. Playing school, reading books, making designs with pattern blocks and painting.
Here is what they created:
pattern blocks
and these little pals
penguin pals
This house is the oldest and the smallest that we have owned. We gave up a lot of material possessions in order to fit here. Our address, though respectable, does not carry the same status as the others.
But no other home has suited our needs as well. It may not be grand but it’s pretty wonderful.
There’s nowhere else on earth I’d rather be.
penguin pals


  1. Looks beautiful! I love the space and the penguins. So much fun! It must be nice to do arts and crafts without having to take everything off the dining room table lol… If i ever get my basement finished, I think I will make a craft spot too! Good work!

  2. I love what you have done with the space. It’s wonderful. I would love to be in your studio…I’d never leave. LOL my bedroom sorta looks like that – bookcase, bookcase, cubby with books. LOL and if I could figure a way to make my room work I’d have a big ole comfy chair in there too…but. Well…you know so much space, have to share it with the hubby, he sorta insists upon it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I LOVE what you’ve done. I also happen to LOVE books, so I’m drooling over that wall of bookshelves. GREAT natural lighting at your work table….

    When did you start home schooling?

    And is Shasta a permanent addition to the fam?

    Soliloquys last blog post..And So It Begins

  4. It looks great. You have always had a knack for decorating. I will need you to help out with my space after we get the new floors in. The blue throw pillow I took( I mean the one you gave me ) has spiffed up the place. We will need to throw out everything else and decorate around the pillow. I think the first things we need to throw out is all the dogs. Would you like to adopt a few playmates for shasta?


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