One small moment in time

Yesterday afternoon I asked my little girl if she wanted to come lay down with me and read a book. We were both tired and a little bit cranky from a busy morning.
It was cool, lying there with the ceiling fan on, so we snuggled up under my fluffy down comforter. I set the book off to the side for a moment and we just talked. My daughter placed her little hand in mine and told me all about her idea for building a paper boat. In a conspiratorial whisper, she admitted that it would not float; it wasn’t that kind of boat. It was more of a looking-at boat than a sailing boat.
I told her that I knew how to make an actual floating paper boat. She was duly impressed; we made plans to create a fleet and launch them in the bathtub.
After exhausting the subject of boats, silence hung on the air for a moment. I marveled at the familiar sound of her breathing. How many breaths has it been since the day we met? How many heartbeats?
She moved her hand from mine and placed it on my cheek.
Looking at me with big blue-green eyes, she said, “Mom, your face is really hairy. Really hairy. Like an animal.”
Motherhood, it’s a beautiful thing.


  1. Ooooo, cool blog! Love what it’s about. Hope you check out mine too!

  2. There I was, getting all sentimental with you and then laughed out loud. My neice once told her dad, in just such a moment, that he had lots of spiders in his nose. I think he bought nose hair trimmers the very next day!

    Andrea’s Sweet Lifes last blog post..Raw and Unfiltered

  3. SNORT!

    No, really. I snorted.

    Sweet girl. Well, she hasn’t got your eloquence yet, but there’s still time.

    Soliloquys last blog post..Klassy. With a K.

  4. What a sweet moment…until the end. LOL. Don’t you just love that? You never know what they are going to say.

    gennys last blog post..Ten Reasons Why…

  5. That was great! Thank you so much for the chuckle 🙂 Kids sure know how to spice up a touching moment don’t they!

  6. What a punch line! I was right there with you, all snuggly and at peace. Then that zinger! Tee Hee 🙂

    Melissa R

  7. Don’t you love when they get you that way! Makes for great memories! Little ones will definitely keep you on your toes!

    Thanks for stopping by my giveaway and for your comment about The Bean’s cuteness. I have to agree. Come visit anytime!

    Kims last blog post..Summer Fun

  8. Oh my, just wait until she’s a teen. At least now her comments sound sweet and innocent. Teens are brutally honest- and it’s not sweet! Oh well, we were all teens once upon a time!

    Nat!s last blog post..To Clean or Not Too Clean


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