What was in the cooler…

Remember this?
What's in the cooler?

Congtrats to Busymama Kellie for being the first to guess this:
A turtle, of course
Kellie, check your email. A $20 Amazon gift card is on the way.
My husband wasn’t present when the picture was taken. When I asked him what he thought what was in the cooler, he guessed “roadkill”. He wasn’t totally wrong. Apparently this little guy had been hit by a car before my brother found him and brought him home to my parent’s place. The turtle has a crack in his shell but seems to have recovered anyway. He now lives in the horse trough, but occasionally comes out to play cards.
I'll see your frog and I'll raise you a turtle
Turtle was feeling pretty shy so my brother put him in the cooler in an effort to get him to come out of his shell and let my girl get a better look at him.
please come out
To those who guessed frog – good guess! Not 10 minutes before snapping the turtle photo (hee), I took this:
tiny frog
Which leads me to wonder, was this a weekend at my parents or the petting zoo?

For more summer vacation fun, go party at We are THAT Family’s Sizzling Summer Vacation Spectacle. But wash your hands first. Handling raw reptiles could lead to salmonella.


  1. Your comment CRACKED me up and reminded me that you are a funny girl. Must subscribe to you….

    I love that the little reptile belonged to you.

    Must go wash my hands!

    We are THAT familys last blog post..My Sizzlin’ Summer Vacation

  2. Cool pictures! The turtle’s shell looks so shiny in that one pic.

    Nancys last blog post..Jamestown


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