Kind of like the ant and the grasshopper

So…I haven’t posted in 16 days.
I’m ashamed.
I’m sorry.
And I’m exhausted.

Here’s why:
40 pounds of these:
Turned into so. many. jars. of this:
stewed tomatoes
30 pounds of fresh picked these:
apple harvest
A little bit of this:
And wah-lah! We have a gallon of dehydrated apple rings and nine jars of oh-so-good apple butter:
apple butter
And then there was today.
120 ears of these:
led to this:
and then to this:
Eventually becoming 41 quart bags of yummyness (split between me and my BFF).
(Sidenote: Thanks to Shasta, there was not a single kernel on the floor when I swept up.)
I’ve got a full pantry and freezer.
And a messy kitchen.
I’m ready for winter.
Or at least a long winter’s nap.


  1. Girl, YOU are one smart chick! I think you were spending your time wisely! Pr 31 woman for sure :>) Now go take that nap!

    The Roosts last blog post..I Made IT!

    Heidi here: Proverbs 31 is one of the most beautiful descriptions of womanhood… I’m flattered. Thanks!

  2. Ahhh, I love Oregon.
    Our summer was so cold that the farms this year didn’t do so great:(
    Here’s hoping for better weather next year since I really am totally determined to have a garden. Although I have NO idea what I’m doing and can’t keep plants alive, we’ll see how it goes…

    Jolenes last blog post..A Friday Tradition

  3. I’ll know where to come when tragedy strikes and I’m hungry. Yay for Heidi!!!

    Beckys last blog post..Say It 3 Times Fast…

  4. I was wondering where you were! I’m glad all is well. Say HI to your BFF for me! P.S. How is your meat baby?

  5. In case you’re still looking at this one Rebecca, BFF says HI to you too! Yum! is a great description for the corn and the apple butter. We have been enjoying both! I’m afraid our corn won’t last through winter. Gheez! It might not even make it to winter. Thanks, Heidi, for motivating me to get it done!

  6. You win. My tomato plants blew a raspberry at me this year, so I had maybe five pounds instead of my usual “holy heck! I have to make sauce again!?” amount. My HOA would probably look down on corn…and an early freeze this year decimated the apple crop in Colorado. Made me sad. 🙁 And Roger, the Rhubarb Plant Hell-Bent on World Domination didn’t make it through the patio project, so no jelly. Pretty sad harvest this year. But yours rocks! 🙂

    jens last blog post..And it’s done


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