Fast Times on Ridgemont Hill

Lucky you! Two posts for the price of one. I originally had planned this as part of the prior post, but honestly, I thought of this title and had to give it its own space. The following hill is not actually named Ridgemont, but let’s just pretend it is.

The snow returned with a vengeance Saturday night, completely crippling my city. Where I live, roads are not plowed. Salt is not applied. The main roads are lucky to receive gravel; the rest must wait for the sun or warmer temperatures to melt away the ice. Those roads, unfit for cars, become playgrounds.
Hey kid, why don’t you go play in the road?
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Monday morning, Newt and I walked to some friends’ house.
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(Please note that not only are the roads unplowed, the sidewalks and most of the driveways are unshoveled. No sense making things easier for people to get around.)
To get to our friends’ house, we had to climb this icy hill. It was treacherous work.
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Never fear, dear reader, coming down was much easier than going up.
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Newt called this move the “Angry Penguin”:
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I have no idea what she means. But I do know that that hill was fast.
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C’mon baby, just another quarter mile to the top. Or something like that.
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With freezing temperatures, more snow and freezing rain in the forecast for the next several days, the public school kids will likely be out all this week.
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Lucky for us, we homeschool. At our house, it’s business as usual.
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  1. Skin MD Natural : Frantically Simple Reviews - [...] I currently have no dry patches or oil slicks. And even when I went sledding with Newt during the…

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