At Least He Put The Seat Back Down

The Dark Lord in the Bathroom
Courtesy of Newt, age 8

After racking my brains for a full 20 minutes and exhausting all of the technological know-how at my disposal, my comments are now…
wait for it…
Still broken!
And since my leisure funds have gone the way of leisure suits, paying someone to fix it is sort of out of the question.
So, that brings me to…you. If you have any knowledge of wordpress, could you help a sister out?
Email me because, well, my comments are broken.

**Update: Lisa at Simply His is simply amazing. Thanks, Lisa! Comments are open and working! **

Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom


  1. picture is great hope your problem is resolved soon

  2. YAY FOR LISA B.! Thanks for sharing the LOVE, girl!! Trusting God will bless you BIG for being a blessing to Heidi today!

    Soliloquys last blog post..Break-ation

  3. I am just wondering who- or what was killed to leave the dark mark behind!

  4. Wahooo!

    I’ve been enjoying your blog without being able to comment. Now, I will say that I thought the post about your little daring lining up all her dolls etc and then SHOOTING them was the funniest thing!!

    Glad things are up and working!

    Jeannettas last blog post..Cap and Trade

  5. Hooray for Lisa!!! 🙂

  6. Yay for Lisa!

    Bwahahahaha on the picture!!! I am laughing in the kitchen.

  7. That picture is hilarious!!! Glad you got your comments fixed. I hate techno problems, especially since I have no knowlege of how to fix them.

    Julie From Inmatess last blog post..It Was Me, Wasn’t It?


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