
Sorry about the long silence.
I have felt the need for it – a need to draw inward, a need to focus on my family.
We are fine. Losing W’s dad has been painful but we have been grateful for those that have offered their support and prayers. Thank you.

In other news, all of the tension and emotion of the last couple of months has really done a number on my body. My back is tight and my front is flabby. Lovely…
I started doing yoga again, here at home. There is a great series of half-hour videos on you-tube by yoga today. I’d love to start going to a studio again, but for now this is working out great. This morning I lay in savasana or corpse pose (beautiful imagery, isn’t it?) to relax at the end of my – what do I call it? Workout doesn’t sound right, but neither does practice – at the end of my other… yoga… stuff.
I focused on my breathing, trying to clear my mind. It was wonderful and so needed.

Note to self: next time check for spiders in the room. It is not very meditative to have one scurry up your bare arm.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll wear something like this:



  1. A bug on my body leaves me feeling creepy crawly for hours… even days! Eww.

    I am glad you are feeling like expanding into the world a bit again. Life has many curves, and detours. It’s in flux. Changing needs are to be expected.

    I hope you all continue to heal and find peace.

    BTW… did you get the package I sent? I hadn’t wanted to ask sooner.

  2. Been worrying about you, glad you’re back 🙂

  3. I have had a huge urge for Yoga lately. I will have to check out the site you recommended. We also need to schedule a time to get together. I still have your numbers. What does your fall look like?

  4. Have missed your posts. I’m not a spider girl either. They scare me way more than mice do (not that I’m a fan of mice mind you!)


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