What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Potter-Style

Back in July, after ten months of reading aloud, Newt, Harry Potter, and I reached the end of our journey. It was bittersweet, and there were some casualties.
I’m not talking about those unfortunate characters that fell victim to the Death Eaters. Oh no. Hermione fell from grace once she and Ron finally kissed. After months of pretending to be Hermione nearly everyday, Newt declared that she would be her no more. In fact, she didn’t even want to be a Gryffindor. She declared herself a Ravenclaw and created a Luna Lovegood costume to wear to the Harry Potter 6 movie.


Last week, Newt reconciled with her alter ego and Hermione returned to our lives.
I have to admit, I have missed her.

Let's chat, shall we?

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