What I Did on My Summer Vacation

There is a slight chill in the air.
The morning light has taken on that early fall golden hue.
The rains have returned.
Yes, it seems that fall is on the way in. Goodbye summer.
Fall has always been my favorite time of year, but I’m even happier than usual to see it arrive this year. This has been a busy summer, a hard summer and I am ready for the change. I’m thrilled by the return to home and hearth that naturally occurs this time of year.
This evening, I finally got around to uploading the hundreds of photos that were languishing on my camera’s memory card, and it struck me: Even with all of the difficulty the last months have brought, there have been so many pockets of joy. We’ve spent time together as a family having wonderful adventures that I just never got around to sharing. Since this little blog o’ mine is a family journal of sorts, I feel a need to remedy this.
All this week, I’ll be sharing with you some of those adventures, starting with this one, natural tide pools on the Oregon coast:





What adventures did you have this summer?


  1. Great tide pools! We had tried to visit tide pools in Oregon but we were there the day after a big storm and the locals said the tide pool animals were all washed out to sea 🙁

  2. Great pictures! That would be so fun to take my kids to. Too bad we don’t live anywhere near water.

  3. Those are great pictures. What a well exposed child. I never went anywhere when I was a kid. Thank gawd for books.
    .-= Moe´s last blog ..QUOTE: Matina Horner =-.


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