The Seamy Side of Halloween

Why is it that some girls think Halloween is a good excuse to change from normal, family-lovin’ gals to inappropriately dressed vixens?
It starts with the flirty doe-eyes. Puh-lease! Act your age.

And that dress? I know it’s hot in Hawaii, but your neckline is a bit low cut for October in Oregon, don’t you think?

Okay, now you’ve definitely crossed a line. Have you no shame?

OH MYLANTA! If you have children on your laps, quick, cover their eyes! I don’t know how this slipped past the censors.
halloween 015

See what I mean? Totally inappropriate.

Feeling a sense of deja-vu? This post originally ran last year, but I had to “reanimate” it for the holiday. Whahahahaha!

Happy Halloween!


  1. Totally inappropriate. I can’t believe you would show such SMUTT on your site.

    The eyes in that first pic is priceless.
    .-= Moe´s last blog ..QUOTE: Matina Horner =-.


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