I've Got Egg on My Face (how to: translucent powder)

My apologies to those of you who got an earlier version of this post in your readers yesterday. Little auto-scheduler error.

I’ve been doing all kinds of food on your face things lately. My favorite so far? Translucent powder made from nothing but powdered egg shells. This one was also a Crunchy Betty suggestion – see the things that girl is getting me into?
This powder is awesome. It is colorless, odorless and 100% natural. Even better, it keeps the shine down on my skin all day long. In the summer.
Not that we’ve had much of a summer around here this year. I think I may need to put on a sweater today.
The only problem with making translucent powder with eggshells is the process of actually turning into a powder. That can be a bit tricky. However, I’ve figured out a simple way to share with you.
First wash and dry your eggshells very well.
I washed mine under hot running water and set them in the windowsill to dry for a couple of days. If you want to speed things up, you could dry them in a low temp oven or your food dehydrator.
eggshells to translucent powder
When they are dry put them in your coffee grinder. I don’t drink coffee, so I didn’t have any issues with shells in my morning cup, but if you are concerned about that, you may want to invest in a second one for eggshells, spices, flax seed…anything other than coffee beans.
Mine is a Mr. Coffee brand and was a gift from a friend, but you can find similar ones for around $15.
eggshells to translucent powder
Now here comes the hard part. Put in shells and grind until powdered.
Whew. That was difficult, wasn’t it?
eggshells to translucent powder
I put my powder in a little lidded plastic container. Every morning I use a brush to apply. There are a few larger pieces in there, but I just brush them back off my face. Most of the bigger pieces are soft bits of the shell membrane. Perhaps next time, I’ll peel that out while I am washing the shells.
Ready to start cracking eggs?
If you are looking for a way to use some up, may I suggest this?
poached egg over kale and garlic scapes
A poached farm-fresh egg over homegrown sauteed Italian kale and garlic scapes (the curly stem and bud of garlic plants). So good.

Linking up with Healthy 2Day


  1. This is absolutely awesome!!! Thanks so much!! 🙂

    • You’re welcome! If you try it, will you let me know what you think? I love it!

  2. I came here for the powder ‘recipe’. Then I got lost in the “My Mom is Funnier Than your Mom” posts. I nearly wet my pants with the genealogist story! Thanks for brightening my day (I subscribed, too) 🙂

    • Laurie – thank you! My day is brighter because of your comment. Thanks for subscribing, my mom will be so pleased. 🙂

  3. Oh wow, I had no idea you could make powder from eggshells, of all things!

  4. Oh, what amazing timing! Just last week I had a bunch of moms over to my house for a “spa night” with homemade, natural recipes. I fell in love, and am so excited to keep trying natural skin care. I love this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow! Super cool natural tip!
    Thanks for this! I’m inspired!!!

    • I’m so glad! I hope you try it. It’s awesome. Thanks for stopping in!

  6. That is unbelievably simple. I don’t have a coffee grinder, but will try that with the food processor. Thanks!

  7. I had never heard of this before and I am fascinated. I can’t wait to try it.

  8. So I tried it. There are still big chunks. I think I will put it back in the grinder for a bit to see if I can make it more of a powder. Otherwise I might have to go back to my conventional face powder. Wish me luck!

    • Good luck Suzy! If there are just a few larger chunks, maybe you could sift it through a fine mesh strainer?

  9. I know this is really late for this post, but just wondering if anyone else’s powder stunk to the high heavens? I tried it in the coffee grinder, and the powder stunk so bad I couldn’t handle it! Yuck! Did I just not wash them well enough, or is that normal?

  10. It’s never too late. 🙂
    I have not heard of anyone else having an issue with odor. That is odd. Maybe they weren’t scrubbed enough? Or dried really well? I dry mine on the windowsill for several days, but you could also dry them in a low oven for a few hours.
    Good luck!

    • I’ll try washing them better…I think I just rinsed mine last time, so maybe a good scrub would help. Thanks! 🙂

  11. could i use mortar and pestle instead of coffee grinder?

  12. i would be very careful when using eggshell powder about inhaling any of that fine dust in it.

    • Good advice – thanks!



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