Sweet! Honey Challenge and Other “Updates”

Good Monday morning!
Honey Challenge - after one week
Hope I didn’t scare you there with my Nick Nolte mugshot look. I don’t know why I look so angry – I should look happy.
Happy because washing my face with honey rocks! (Thanks, Crunchy Betty!)
You may be saying, “But Heidi, you seem to have a bit more acne than last week“.
And then I would say, “First, I can’t actually hear you when you talk to your computer. Second, you’re right, but I *think* that’s a good thing.”
You see, my skin feels firmer, smoother –  just all around better. My blackheads seem to be going away. And yes, I have had a few new blemishes pop up (punny), but they are in my usual trouble areas. I *think* (hope) the honey may be cleaning up some deep rooted problems.
Perhaps I should use honey on a few family relationships. What do you think, Mom?
Another good thing? I haven’t used moisturizer in two days. But don’t tell my face, I don’t think it has noticed.
And now for a few more updates that are not actually updates because you haven’t heard about them to begin with:

  • I spent the weekend tearing pages out of books. It’s not a temper tantrum – I’m making something. I’ll show you when I finish.
  • These are some of the things I’ve googled today: Gary Busey mug shot (apparently, I’m not the only one who gets those two confused), pancakes with syrup, baking – substitute whey for buttermilk, make your own pickling spice, and okidata printer error 541m.
  • This post is making me want to go buy some vodka. I’ve never actually purchased alcohol (except that time when I was a teenager and I convinced my mom and the checker at a small town store that California Coolers were really only fruit juice). The prospect is a bit thrilling.
  • Speaking of my mom, when I told her I was using eggshells and honey on my face, she got all worried and asked if I was an “environmentalist”. Wonder how she’ll feel when she finds out that I started making my own deodorant several weeks ago.

Wow! It’s Monday and I can’t stop talking about my mom. That’s a recipe for a great week.
What’ve you been up to this weekend?

Read more about my sweet skincare:
Honey Challenge: Before
Honey Challenge: Update #2
Honey Spice Facial Scrub


  1. My husband and I stopped using body soap/wash and shampoo about 8 months ago. We were hoping it would clear up some skin issues he was having. It didn’t help his skin problems, but it didn’t hurt either of us at all. We aren’t dirty, we aren’t stinky and we don’t feel gross. He also isn’t washing his hair (buzz cut) and I don’t use shampoo, just conditioner.

    We got the idea from some articles we had read online.

    • I’ve been learning about some of the yucky things that are in most major soap brands… I think I’ll be looking to change things up in the shower soon. Thanks for the info.

  2. I’m liking the honey wash, too. I can’t believe how soft my skin is! I’ve tried some other homemade body care in the past, with good results, but then I got lazy. I really liked using baking soda and apple cider vinegar to wash my hair. It had far better texture than shampoo/conditioner. I also tried using a combo of baking soda/corn starch/coconut oil as deodorant… as far as odor control, this was the BEST deodorant I’ve ever used. However, both my husband and I broke out in the pit area. I’ve heard this doesn’t happen if you use virgin coconut oil, but haven’t given that a try yet.

    • I’m going to have to try ACV and baking soda for my hair; I’ve heard such good things about it. I’ve been using just coconut oil (with a few drops of lavender and tea-tree oils) for both deodorant and a body moisturizer. It works great. I do use virgin though. Give it a try. 🙂

  3. That’s because your body is releasing all the junk from deodorant. Mine did this a few weeks after using the natural salt crystal. The coconut oil, baking soda, starch is the best. Keep going with it.

    • I hadn’t thought about that, but it makes sense. Thanks, Amy. Glad you stopped by!

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