Food Wars – Helping Resistant Family Members Make the Change

Early this year, ago I had an opportunity to attend a workshop put on by a well-known healthy-foods author and blogger. As she spoke about her journey to healthy eating, I found myself nodding in agreement. She talked about the stress and uncertainty of having a child with asthma and reoccurring ear infections…
Me too.
…the frustration of looking to her pediatrician to fix her sick child and being told, “I have no answers, but here’s a prescription”…
So frustrating.
…the worry about what damage multiple rounds of steroids might be doing to her child’s body…
It’s terrifying, but they have to breathe. You feel so helpless.
So much of her story sounded like mine. I could even relate when she talked about the whirlwind changes she made in her family’s diet, and how her family did not always respond with enthusiasm. That actually made me laugh a little because just the night before, my previously meat-at-every-meal family had not been exactly thrilled with a dinner of quinoa-stuffed peppers and salad. I was still smiling when she mentioned that all of the “weird dinners” had made her husband pretty grumpy.
And then she said, “Many people wonder if all the dietary changes are what led to our recent divorce.” She didn’t elaborate further; she just left that statement hanging there for a minute before moving on to talk more about healthy meal preparation. I’m not sure if she had even intended to say that at all…
Here I am many months later, and it is that statement that has stuck with me. When I first started changing my diet, I couldn’t believe how good I felt. I had energy! I was sleeping better! I was loosing weight! Naturally, I wanted to share what I was feeling with my husband…
Read the rest of my Food Wars story at Modern Alternative Mama.

Unrelated: If you missed it, be sure to check out my five reasons why you may want to reconsider paying your children to do chores (with linky). There are a few other blogs linked up – be sure to go visit and read their takes on allowance.

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