Happy Heidi's Birthday to All!

Today is my 36th birthday and I think I may finally be growing up.

I have been known to get rather frustrated on my birthday because, you know… it’s my day and everyone must serve me, blah, blah, blah. But then, right in the middle of my queen for a day fantasy, real life gets in the way. Walt gets stuck at work and comes home later than I had hoped for and Newt doesn’t do something I ask her to and my mom forgets to call and then oh-my-gosh-didn’t-you-people-know-it’s-my-birthday! I get in a bit of a funk.
Why do we do that? (Like how I just dragged you into this with that “we”?) Is it the need for proof that we are loved and accepted? Is it the desire for just one day to be the most important person around? Maybe… but here’s the thing. I really do know that I am loved and accepted. And I also am quite aware that I am not the most important (since that label is a big fat lie) and if I ever start to feel like I should be, I’m in trouble.
I don’t want my heart to be wired that way. Truly. Not even for one day.
And just because I happened to be born on a particular day does not mean the beds won’t need to be made, if you know what I mean. It may be my birthday today, but it’s still a regular day. If this day is special at all, it is because the people I love are a part of it.
So here’s what I think. Today, on the anniversary of the day of my birth, I am going to forget about me.  Instead, I’m going to try to make this world a little bit better. I am going to try to make someone else’s day brighter because I exist.
All day today I am going to be looking for little acts of kindness that I can perform.  Will you celebrate my birthday with me by doing the same? And, would you mind telling me about it? Leave a comment here or on facebook. Or tweet your act of kindness and use the hashtag #heidisbday. Since I am now 36, I’d love it if there were at least 36 acts of kindness done in my name today.
I’m getting ready to blow out my candles, will you help my birthday wish come true?


  1. I made my husband’s lunch so he didn’t have to 🙂

  2. Caressa – thank you! This day is starting off great.

  3. I so understand how you feel. You are just better than me. I don’t know if I can think of others on MY day! (hehe). I will though accept your challenge. I will start by promising not to make any sarcastic remarks about having to can my sisters apricots for her on my sprained foot. Whoops, did that sound sarcastic. I will try harder i promise! 🙂 I love you and all your queenly-ness. I hope you have one fantastic day. XOXO

    • Thanks Krista! How nice that you are helping with the canning! I hope she’ll let you help with the eating too. Have a great day!

  4. I was at the park with my kids when I got a call on my phone from someone asking if I would watch her kids while they went to the Dr.’s office. I said yes before I even knew who it was (I hadn’t seen due to the bright sun, and coldn’t recognize the voice right off). Then, 3 hours later, I told her she could rest and I invited her kids, and the 2 knocking on the door to play, and the 3 kids at another hours to all come over for a “Faux Sleepover”. I helped them make their own pizzas (rolling dough out and all), fed them a nice meal, showed a Nick Park’s short, and them let them all hang out and play until nearly 9 p.m. So, the other parents could rest or go out. I think that should be worth several bonus points.

    Also, I just laughed and enjoyed the moment, instead of being hurt, when my 4 year old saw my swimming suit hanging in the bathroom and said, “Your swimming suit is beautiful. It is HUGE. It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen!”

    Happy B-Day!

  5. I know I’m a day late and a dollar short, but happy birthday. I was pretty nice yesterday even though I had a headache. I watched my nephews for 4 hours and I drove Preslee to her friends house, AND when Londyn wanted candy for going potty in the toilet, I let her eat it while she was still naked. (since no clothing can be worn during potty business.) But I didn’t go out of my way to be nice…. I thought about sharing my garden produce with my neighbor, but then I decided It WAS ALL MINE! I’ll try harder on your next birthday!


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