Homeschool Sick Day

Newt has been feeling a bit under the weather the last couple of days. Nothing drastic, just a case of the sniffles. I’ve been loading her up on home remedies, extra vitamin C and cabbage soup. But I know that the best thing you can do for yourself when you are not feeling 100% is rest.
I think rest for the mind can be just as important as rest for the body. We’ve spent the last couple of days taking it easy, listening to books on CD or visiting while doing some crafting.
Needle felting
I love needle felting; it’s such a soothing craft. The wool is wonderfully soft, and the rhythmic poke of the felting needle can be almost meditative. It was the perfect activity for a homeschool sick day.
Needle felting
Newt has done a little felting with me in the past, but only flat designs. This was the first time she attempted something three-dimensional. She decided to make a little doll. I created a framework for her from pipe cleaners. Then I showed her how to cover the framework with wool and use her needle to shape and sculpt the wool into what she wanted.
Needle felting

All together she spent about four hours on her work.
Here is her finished piece:
Newt's First Needle felting
I wish you could see the wonderful detail she has crafted into it, especially the hair. She did a really good job, and can’t wait to try something new.
This is what I made:
Needle felting
I know it’s a bit early for Nativity scenes, but I was thinking of making a few to sell. What do you think?
We have a lot of activities planned for the rest of the week. I’m hoping this restful, quiet day has helped preserve some energy and that Newt will be feeling all better soon.
If not, I may need to order some more wool.


  1. They really came out cute 🙂
    I only felt at a table. Newt felting in her lap made me nervous, like she was going to poke herself over and over because she wasn’t at a table. Obviously that isn’t happening, so I guess I can work on getting over my non-table felting fears and possibly felt in different situations. At least I will consider it.

  2. I have a friend who does needle felting but I have never attempted it myself. The dolls you two made came out really cute! Newt did an awesome job!

  3. Newt’s doll is wonderful, and your Nativity set is beautiful! Hope your little one feels well soon!

  4. So sorry she is sick but your project looks really fun. Never tried it. I might have to look into it for my kids. They would love it!

    Also, I think selling your nativity set is a great idea. Never too early for Christmas in my book 😉

  5. I’ve never done needle felting myself, and I am very impressed!! Time for me to get craftier…

  6. These are adorable! Now that the weather is cooling in California, we can start thinking about wool crafts- thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Love the needle felt creations ! I had never heard of this…Newts figure turned out great and I would like to place an order for the Nativity set – its really cute and would be so meaningful if you and Newt made it ! Also, Im having a hard time calling her Newt…can I just call her Cute ?!



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