
I tweeted this last night:

Unrelated: I’m still new enough to twitter that saying things like “tweeted” makes me feel simultaneously like a hipster, a poseur, and a jerk. Kind of like when I spell poser “poseur”.
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Meet Pepper.
Pepper is a five month old pound puppy mutt. Her ears, legs and tail are all too long for her body. She appears to be the strangely shaped love child of some sort of terrier and Santa’s Little Helper.
We love her.
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Pepper arrived at our local humane society a little over a week ago. She and 13 other small dogs were slated to be put down at a terribly overcrowded animal shelter in L.A. Sadly, they had needed to euthanize 20 other dogs that week. Lucky for Pepper (and us) our shelter had extra space and arranged to have those otherwise doomed dogs transported here.
Public Service Announcement: Please spay or neuter your pets and consider adopting from animal rescue shelters. Thank you.
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Unrelated: Newt has recently gone No ‘Poo. Look how wavy her hair has become. I love it. She does not.
So anyway, back to Pepper. Newt picked her out, but I don’t mind telling you, I had some misgivings. (Refer to my above tweet.) Besides the fact that puppies are a lot of work, I didn’t think I was ready for another dog. It felt too soon. I didn’t want to try and replace Shasta.
But Pepper is not a replacement Shasta. She’s herself: a great combination of smart, eager to please, playful and snugly. And also exceedingly difficult to photograph due to her, “I never stop moving” nature. Sure, she has some things to learn, but don’t we all?
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Unrelated: I seem to have trouble staying on topic today. Is puppy-brain contagious? Oh look, a squirrel!


  1. Ha. Ha ha. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *wipes tear away*

    I *saw* that tweet and I thought: uh-oh. Maybe I should mail her some Simple Solution now. 😀 That is awesome. Welcome to Puppy He%&. It’s fun. And yes, it alters your brain. Maybe THAT explains it (well, the past 2 years, but that doesn’t really cover the other 29…)

    • Annie – it’s been 36 hours and only one accident in the house, but I know it’s too soon to be optimistic.
      I have never heard of Simple Solution. I’ll have to check it out.

  2. Megan L swears by it, and it’s worked pretty well for us too. Assuming we actually catch the ninja-pee-ers before the damage is done.

  3. BAM. I so called it.

    Did you get my “Am I going to read a post tomorrow about your new dog?” email?

    There’s no ‘maybe’ when you go to the pound.

    Happy for you! Happy for Pepper!

  4. Awwww…she’s SOOO cute! I love the first picture! 🙂
    Good for you and good for Pepper!
    Our dog, Buddy, was a pound puppy too!

  5. She is a-dor-a-ble! What a sweetie 🙂

    • She is pretty cute, isn’t she? For an annoying little puppy, that is. 🙂 She has spent the evening stealing paper and books from me. Maybe she wants to be homeschooled too?

  6. AWW! Pepper is precious. I am really sad about Shasta but I think it was a great idea to be able to give your love to a new puppy. I can’t wait to hear new stories/memories which include him.

  7. Congrats on your new family member! She’s cute!



  1. BlogHer Book Club: Love at First Bark : Frantically Simple - [...] am currently curled up in my reading chair trying to ignore the newly-adopted puppy playing with my toes, climbing…

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