The Reading Chair

Perhaps this should be titled The Sad, Lonely, Neglected Reading Chair. I haven’t had a lot of time for reading and Newt, well… she has taken up residence behind the chair. She’s made a cozy spot in the corner with pillows, blankets, and piles of books. I can’t decide if she’s doing it to make a fort, or to hide from a book-eating Pepper – or even a did-you-finish-your-chores-yet mama…

What I’m Reading
The Sound of Freedom: Marian Anderson, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Concert That Awakened America
I lead a history club for 9- 12 year old girls. Each month the girls study a new woman from history and we meet for discussion and activities. Our next meeting will be about Marion Anderson, so I’m studying up. Her story is fascinating! She was a famous African-American singer in the 1940s. When the Daughters of the American Revolution blocked her from performing in Constitution Hall because of her skin color, Elinor Roosevelt arranged an Easter Sunday concert for Marion on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. More than 75,000 crowded in to hear her, with millions listening to the radio broadcast. Take that DAR!
I’m looking forward to knowing her better.

What I’m Reading to Newt
Marjorie Pay Hinkley – Letters
This is a collection of letters written throughout the life of Marjorie Pay Hinkley, wife of Gordon B. Hinkley, the former president of our church. Her letters span 50 years, taking Marjory from young wife and mother to grandmother. Her letters are peppered with wit and good humor and full of faith. A great, uplifting little book.

What Newt is Reading
Newt has recently become fascinated with geek culture. She has made a list of things to learn about so that she can be “an awesome girl-geek”. I’d say, judging by the letters she writes me in elvish, she’s pretty well there. Her reading will just make her awesome geekiness a bit more informed and well-rounded.

Exploring Creation With Astronomy
We actually used this for almost a year’s worth of science study a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. I was happy to see Newt pick it up again. One note: occasionally some of the religious parts of this book did not mesh exactly with our beliefs. I found those parts to be excellent opportunities to talk about differences and respecting the beliefs of others.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I read all seven Harry Potter Books to Newt a couple of years ago. (It took ten months, in case you were wondering.) I love seeing Newt read and enjoy them on her own.

That’s it for use this week. Between cider making, quilting, and the new puppy, there just wasn’t as much time for reading as I’d like. Maybe next week my reading chair will get a bit more use.

Have you read any good books lately?

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1 Comment

  1. Oh I need to be reading more! I’ve been stuck in a book and I think it’s time to retire it and pick a new one. The kids are all reading various things though…whew! 🙂


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