On My Mind

1. The Candy Monster came. He/she/it had to leave an IOU since he/she/it did not have time to make it to the store. Newt and I went to one of our favorite bookstores today to redeem it. She got a paperback version of one of the Harry Potter books. We have the whole set in hardcover, but Newt thinks paperback is “more comfortable” to read.
2. I finished Newt’s quilt last week:
3. I have the best friends.
4. Confession: I love real food, but while running errands today, I stopped at Taco Bell. I ate two Taco Supremes. I wish I hadn’t done it, but I can’t say that it will never happen again.
5. Speaking of tacos and confessions, I really like Chipotle. No one else in my family liked eating there, so I might have manipulated Newt into changing her mind about them by showing her this video:

6. Newt likes Chipotle now.
7. Another confession: the Candy Monster takes the Halloween candy and gives it to Santa, who uses it to fill stockings. Recycling is a good thing.
8. Newt and I sat on the driveway for an hour today watching a man replace my windshield. We even took photos. He said had never experienced customers like us – I guess he doesn’t work with many homeschoolers?
9. We ignored a science project in progress to watch said windshield replacement. I was tired (perhaps from the Taco Bell lunch?) and just sitting on the driveway seemed far more appealing.
10. Number 9 was another confession, wasn’t it? It feels good to get these things off my chest.

What’s on your mind today?


  1. Funny! šŸ™‚ I love Chipotle too!

  2. Coos Bay doesn’t hold any chipotle, but we do have two taco bells, pretty good for this place. I would say my guilty pleasure would be McDonalds McChicken. Hmmm. And technically watching a window be replaced would be a good science lesson. How do thy get those windows to stick so well…..

  3. No, you replaced one science experiment with another. No biggy. Just schooling. šŸ™‚


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