Random Bliss

Snow Day

As Cheryl Crow might say, this picture is apropos of nothing. Still I like it because I look much bigger than Newt, when in reality, my tiny little 5 pound baby has recently dwarfed me by growing a couple of inches taller and a few pounds heavier than me. Plus I'm wearing my hair in braids like a real Heidi should. (I do not normally wear my hair in a Heidi-like fashion.)

As part of their 6 Weeks of Bliss Challenge, Bliss.com double-dog dared me to share five things you may not know about me. Let’s jump right in with:

1. I have a whisker.
Only one, on the side of my chin. It sprouted a couple of years ago. Every time it grows out past the surface of my skin, I quickly pluck it. Even though I should be used to it by now, I am always amazed at both its coarseness and its under the surface length. I call it my boar bristle.

2. Reading did not turn me into a genius.
I used to think that the word gesture was like the word digest. It had a different sound and meaning based on context. Never mind that I had no clear idea of what the different meanings would be, I was sure that there was the regular sounding gesture with a soft g (jest-ure) and another with a hard g (guest-ure). Every time I saw gesture in print I read it with the hard g. This continued until one day, I happened to say it out loud and I realized that I had never heard anyone else say it that way.
This realization was only two years ago.

3. I am afraid of heights.
I did not know I was afraid of heights until about 10 years ago, when I climbed to the top of a Mayan pyramid carrying a toddler-aged Newt on my back. The lack of railings at the top terrified me. I had this irrational fear that a gust of wind would blow my baby away. I was completely paralyzed and could only climb down once Walt took Newt and began to descend. Ever since, I get nervous in high places, unless they are completely enclosed, like a windowed office in a skyscraper.

4. Sometimes I have trouble finishing what I have started.


Your turn. Tell me something I may not know about you.


  1. I have one of those whiskers too, which reminds me…I need to pluck it today! LOL!!
    Little known fact about me…I sometimes feel like a Farmgirl Fraud as I used to live in a suburb of Los Angeles in a gated townhouse community, drove a little red sports car and got my nails done! 😉

    • I love all those twists and turns life takes us. You are a well-rounded farmgirl!

  2. Love your post! And learning a little bit more about you. When I turned 30, I sprouted several whiskers. Laser treatment comes to mind, but for now I use other means. I feel like an evil witch. SO not cool. And not something anyone warned me about for turning 30. >:(

    I just put up a post on my blog yesterday about “If you really knew me…”, which lists of several things about me. Yours today is like that. We’re all in tune! 🙂

    • It’s time for whisker sprouters to stop suffering in silence. What color ribbon should we pin on?

  3. Ah, yes, boar bristles, Know them well, unfortunately. My esthetician says I need to have electrolysis or else it will keep getting worse with age.

    • Good to know there’s a cure. J

  4. I’m afraid of heights too but that fear isn’t as bad as my fear of bees.


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