What Should Heidi Make From Pinterest Now?

Oh my goodness, that was an incredibly full weekend.
After last week’s mini-rant, I am avoiding the word busy. We’re all busy. Who wants to hear my whining?
Not even me.

The combination of lots of rushing around and Oregon’s February rain (not to be confused with January, March, April, May, June, October, November or December rain) is putting me in the mood for homemade bread. There are few things nothing better than the warm coziness of a home where a lovely loaf of pure goodness has just been baked.
I’ve turned to Pinterest for inspiration; now I turn to you to decide. Tell me what to make. I’ll pick the most popular, try it out and let you know how it goes next week.

Sourdough English Muffins


Pita Bread


Whole Wheat Bagels


Whole Wheat Sourdough Sandwich Bread


Rosemary Olive Oil Bread


Pick one and let me know in the comments.
And hurry!
I can’t wait to look out my steamy kitchen window and wonder how the transformative power of warm bread can make even February rain feel lovely.


  1. UMMM all of them! Then teach me cause I cannot go to pintrest b/c I am in an addiction awareness program and it is on my list of things to avoid.

  2. Mmm! The rosemary bread looks delightful. If I was a “baker” that would be my choice. Can’t wait to see what you end up making. Man oh man, pinterest is a wonderful thing.

  3. I say the rosemary bread! It looks absolutely scrumptious! And that yummy rosemary bursting on your tongue will take away the dreariness of the day. Blessings, Kelly

  4. Toss up between the Muffins and the Pita bread. unique, Fun!

  5. I vote for the English muffins and/or the bagels, two breads I have never attempted! 🙂

  6. Try the rosemary bread!

  7. I vote english muffins because it’s something I’ve wanted to try myself for a very long time. But I thnk bagels would be fun too with some yogurt cheese 🙂

  8. BAGELS. *nomnomnom*

  9. Pinterest is the most happening thing currently in the social network market and is also attracting lot of new people. To be honest I learned something new in this post even if its my first time to know. BTW, I just love muffin and always looking for new recipes.



  1. Sourdough English Muffins | Frantically Simple - [...] cozy and lovely? Well, I baked (sort of) and the rain? It stopped. It was a February miracle! You…

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