On My Mind

Happy third day of spring!
This is the view from my living room window:

I am fully disgusted.
Except for the part where we cancelled school because of snow and spent the day reading and watching episodes of PBS’s Colonial House.
Sounds a lot like a school day, doesn’t it? Shhh… don’t tell Newt.

Cookies are over. Can I get an amen! To thank me for my service as cookie mom, I was victim to the sweetest act of vandalism ever. Loved it.

It actually made me cry a little. In a good way. Especially when I saw the one signed by Newt:

Since her facination with Dr. Who (especially the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant) has become a full-blown obsession, I was truly flattered.

So, uh, Heidi, if cookies are over, what’s up with the sparse posting on ye old blogge?
Oh, that. Well, I’ve got a couple of other projects up my sleeve.
First of all: homeschool. We’ve buckled down, at Newt’s request.
Another Amen would not be inappropriate here.
We are finishing up our first 12 weeks of Ambleside Online’s Charlotte Mason-style curriculum.
Non-homeschoolers, just smile and nod. This part will be over soon.
Can I just say that I love this curriculum?
Of course I can. 1) I just did and 2) it’s my blog. I can say whatever I like.
Anyway, AO has breathed some new life into our school day. Very exciting stuff.
However, as such, I am trying ever-so-hard to block out larger portions of my day for this oh-such-important stuff.
Even though I still check in with social media far more than I probably should. I’m looking at you Facebook and Pinterest.
Second of all: I’ve been writing a middle-grade children’s book.
My book is about Captain Hook’s daughter. She’s stuck in a stuffy finishing school and desparate for adventure, but she may get more than she can handle when she is charged with hunting down the crocodile that killed her father.
Want a tiny sample?

Let me see, how to describe the girl…
Ah, I have it! Have you ever been privy to witness a great disaster, such as the burning of a circus?
Picture it: a great trumpeting of elephants and snarling of tigers. Ladies, both beaded and bearded, fainting of terror. A mighty bucket brigade made of midgets and clowns, sword-swallowers and finely dressed dandies, all shouting and sweating as they passed bucketsful of water up the line to the source of the flames. Now look to it, the great and tragic circus tent aflame, its colors more vivid than life, and all the more beautiful wrapped in disaster…
If you can imagine that, you will have a pretty good sense of young Jocelyn Hook.

Since I have been spending more time in that world, I’ve had less time for this one. However, I still intend to keep touch with y’all at least once a week.
[note: Heidi is not from the South, but the occasional ya’ll still slips into her writing. In addition, she also called the library today to see how late they were open and asked about it with a fake southern accent: “Yes Ma’am, how late are ya’ll open tonight?” Heidi is weird like that sometimes.]

I have the best friends. Earlier this week, several of us got together to learn all the insider tricks to cutting up a whole chicken.

After we cut them up, we did this:

Which, as you know, is not exactly a health food, but sometimes a girl needs some fried chicken. And, like I’ve said before, at least it was homemade.
We ate the chicken with a potluck of potato salad, deviled eggs, buttermilk biscuits and collard greens, while watching The Help.
Come to think of it, no wonder I’m ya’llin’ y’all today…

It’s been nearly 24 hours and it’s still snowing. Ya’ll better send over a St. Bernard with a barrel of brandy herbal tea on it’s collar. We may need it to dig us out.

What’s the weather like where you are? And if it’s nice, how do you feel about house guests?


  1. I love reading your blog, it always makes me smile. (And sometimes burst out laughing, or at the very least, giggling!) I envy you your fried chicken, looks yummy!!!! Also, we had a non-winter here in Vermont, and today we’re lookin’ at about mid-80’s for a temp. Also, despite being from the north, my hubby constantly teases me because of my use of y’all. I only lived in the pan handle of Florida for like, 9 months, but that Southern drawl sticks sometimes!!
    Have a lovely day, and if you feel tempted to visit the Green(ing Up) Mountains, give a buzz, We have room! You bring the sourdough pancakes, I have the pure VT syrup!
    Blessings, Kelly

    • Mid 80s and real maple syrup? Sounds like heaven.
      I’m packing up my sourdough starter right now…

  2. It’s in the 60’s and rainy here- not the best weather, but everything is getting green, and I love drizzly days, esp in spring. I really can’t beat VT maple syrup (although Minnesota/Wisconsin syrup is pretty darn good, too!)… however I do need helping putting up fence posts to keep my chickens out of the garden:)

  3. If I tell you what the weather is like down here you’ll kill me. Let me just say that the windows are open and the wildflower aroma is so sweet it’s almost nauseating at times. But before you become too jealous, let me remind you that around about June – we will be brown and crunchy and miserable :).

  4. Lovely weather here today, after the rain and snow of Sunday and Monday!
    Your fried chicken looks great and it sounds as though ya’ll had the perfect potluck food to go with the movie! 🙂

  5. Wow, looks like you got our weather. Our spring has been unusually and snowless. The tulips are up 6″ the grass is growing and it was so humid yesterday I thought it was summer. Now if we could just go halfsies we both might be happy. LOL

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