On My Mind: 3/22/13

I’m thinking of my friend Brenda Drake today. It’s her birthday. To celebrate she is giving us a sneak-peek at the cover art for her YA fantasy, Library Jumpers–coming next February. Isn’t it gorgeous?
Library Jumpers 3D book2
Happy Birthday, Brenda!

Oh, hello there!
Looking at you
I spend so much time looking at you (or at least the screen where you live), I thought you might like to look back. This is what I look like when I sit at my desk. I have headphones in–listening to both rain sounds and Johnny Cash at the moment. Rain sounds because they tend to block out any noise from the rest of the house and Johnny Cash because of course.

Other things of note in the photo:
The cat carrier on the shelf does not actually belong to me, nor have I used it for cats. I borrowed it to use for chicken transport and then forgot to return it. (Sorry, Laura!) (Sorry, Laura’s cats!)
Battleship is backwards. It appears as though my webcam creates a mirror image. I’ve never noticed that before. Interesting. (By “interesting”, I mean, “not very.”)
Moving on.

Did you see my necklace?
book necklace

It’s a book! And a locket! What should I put in it? Leave suggestions in the comments. You won’t win anything, but do it anyway, okay?

This. Because it makes me laugh every. single. time. I watch it.

Spring, fall–what’s the difference? We can play creepy dress-up anytime, right?
I have a friend that does incredible Day of the Dead make-up, but she is sadly, moving far, far away. Newt and I scheduled a little makeover and photoshoot with her and made March look like October.



I rarely post photos of myself here, a big reason being the fact that I am generally on the other side of the camera. But looky here, two in one post! Happy Narcissism Day*!

Speaking of Newt (and creepy), go check out Newt’s Art Book, her new blog for showcasing her amazing Edward Gorey/Tim Burton inspired art.
With a little pleading, I got her to draw this steampunk squid for me:

Clowns. Clowns are on my mind at the moment.
I wish they weren’t.

What is on your mind today?


*Who am I kidding? After years of me endlessly talking about myself on this blog, we all know that every day is Narcissism Day, no photos required. High-five for me.


  1. Well, thanks. Thanks a lot. Now clowns are on my mind, too. So, just for that, Giraffe. Giraffe giraffe giraffe. Eating the aforementioned clowns.


    • O_O

  2. TWO POINT SEVEN FIVE: MINI VERSION OF A PIECE OF NEWT’S ARTWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay now I’ll finish reading the rest of the post. Just had to get that thought out while I was thinking it. 🙂

    • Great idea, Hay!

  3. He He! I can comment here! I think you should put a picture of my in that there locket! Mostly because No one has a picture of me in their locket yet. We both know Dustin isn’t going to get a locket.

  4. One more thing…. Great pictures of you. The dead one and the alive one. What’s on my mind….. beating my children into doing something besides watching TV because its a beautiful day and I want to go do something FUN darn it!

  5. Thank you for the shout out, Heidi! Um, duh, Newt should go in the locket. That video is hilarious – I have to share it. Love the face painting! And, GIRAFFE!!!!! Any clowns left?


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