
I spent the last week writing a blog post about my never ending quest for balance but it sounded whiney and overly philosophical and (worst of all) boring, so I’m not going so post it.

Instead, I’ll share this video. Extrapolate from it whatever you like:

Now I’m going to answer some emails. When I’m done, I’ll close my laptop, read a bit, then run some errands. Tonight, I’ll cook a homemade meal and enjoy it with my family. I don’t do that every night anymore, but tonight I will. Sometime before dinner I might even get some laundry done.

But if I don’t, there’s always tomorrow.

Balance. I got this. (At least for today.)



  1. Today is a do-you-life-right day for me, too. I’m cooking sausages! And folding whites! And vacuuming! Hoorayyyyy 😛

    • Ah, BALANCE. It was my theme word for last year…and this year. Thanks for the reminder, Heidi. 🙂

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