Hurrah! Hook’s Revenge Across the Pond

I made a little announcement yesterday and couldn’t be happier about it.

First, Chicken House?!?!? Can you think of a better name? Sarah Jane and Hannah can’t.


I’m also beside myself with excitement that my UK editor, Barry Cunningham, has worked with some of my literary heroes HEROES.

I assure you, the capslock is absolutely necessary here. I mean, just check out his bio. When I read it for the first time, I burst into wet, noisy tears at my desk. Because, you guys, I just can’t believe it.

I’m tearing up again right now, thinking of it.

Hook’s Revenge isn’t even out in the world yet, but I am already very humbled and overwhelmed at this amazing experience. And, even more so, by the outpouring of support, excitement, and encouragement so many of you have given me.

I am truly grateful.

Pip pip! Cheerio!

P.S. A few people have asked for clarification on dates: Hook’s Revenge will be available in the US on 9/16/14 and shortly after in the UK and commonwealth. Yay!


  1. Congrats! So exciting!

    • Thank you!

  2. I looked at his bio, and um yea…its pretty good !!!!!!!!! Congrats to you..this is so exciting !

  3. Harry Potter? Who’s that? LOL. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


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